Living Station – Dos Mangas

This station is where the staff and volunteers prepare and train for the project. We teach the basics on how to interact and work with the community. We also dictate interactive workshops for a “Living” lifestyle, that includes fitness, nutrition, promote an economy for the common good, and creation.
Success! Data de Posorja 360º

The project was carried out in an ancestral community called “Data de Posorja”. In 2.5 month we changed the community entirely. Check the vídeo for more!
Living Knowleadge [Conocimiento Viviente]

Living Knowledge” is a model that generates a network with the aim of contributing to the development and entrepreneurship in rural communities. It is one of the axes of development of a larger project called “Casas, Plazas y Escuelas Vivientes” (Living). Living Knowledge is a network between professionals, volunteers and community members, allowing access to […]
Living Sport / Deporte Viviente

Deporte Viviente – Entrenamiento comunitario (Living sport – Community training) This is the community gym we developed to give the young a chance to get fit and entertain themselves. It is also a way to prevent the use of drugs and other destructive activities in the community. We encourage young people to enter in crossfit […]
Rurrana – Living Creations

Rurrana – Creaciones Vivientes (Living Creations) is the name of the creative workshop we have on this project. Rurrana, as a Kichua word, which means hard work or a hardworking person. This workshop is very important for us, for the project and for the community. This is because it gives us knowledge and tools to […]
Casas, Plazas y Escuelas Vivientes
Casas, Plazas y Escuelas Vivientes (Living Houses, Living Public Square, Living School)
Short Documentary “Casas, Plazas y Escuelas Vivientes” English

Short Documentary “Casas, Plazas y Escuelas Vivientes” English (Living Houses, Living Public Square and Living School) This Documentary explain the scientific concepts and general structure of the project.

Big changes do not belong exclusively to the first world are intrinsically linked to the needs of man and his environment. Fernando León Carlos Nino Homes, Places and Living Schools copyright rights IEPI certificate: 1784 – 001785 Los grandes cambios no le pertenecen en exclusiva al primer mundo están intrínsecamente ligados a las necesidades […]