The project was carried out in an ancestral community called “Data de Posorja”. In 2.5 month we changed the community entirely. Check the vídeo for more!
In the video are testimonials of commune members and a summary of the diverse activities and the various areas of development.
You can also check the facebook page “Comuna Data de Posorja” [Only Spanish] where you can see STEP BY STEP, the progress we made in the commune.
Development areas created << See below the photo gallery >>
Communitary GYM
Huancavilcas Museum
Ancestral Fishing on Huancavilca’s rafts
Community Ghest Room
Medical station.
Wood workshop (Rurran by CPEV)
ONG’s and Governmental alliances.
Cultural rescue – Folkloric dance and Shaman practices
English Lessons with international teachers
Much more!
See the photos below that summarise part of the project on the commune and click to see more information. Go to the facebook page for more photos.
Folkloric dance – Invitation: Cultural rescue group “Guacamayos”
Huancavilca’s raft – History and fun with the children
With the English teachers from UK. Claire and Jessie
Huancavilcas Museum
Communitary GYM
Community member with joy on the 100 aniversary of the Commune
@Rurrana. The youth learning how to work with wood. – making a community trash can.
Ancestral iconography and stencil class. Working with kids!
Nando León and Taita Koro, Shaman and Elder from the Amazon
Community member with joy on the 100 aniversary of the Commune
Nando in a speach
Karen, preparing for the docummental.
Folkloric dance – Invitation: Cultural rescue group “Guacamayos”
Data de Posorja beach
Huancavilca’s raft and A. Vicente L. preparing the raft for a ride.
English class with Claire and Jessie, UK teachers (international), with CELT certificate and new ways of sharing knowledge.
Commune member on organic farm class
The elders sharing the ancestral techniques and mixing with modern tools.
Archaeological pieces founded on communal lands
Ancestral iconography and stencil class. Making the Commune beautiful
Rurrana, wood workshop exhibition.
Organic farm class
Ancestral iconography and stencil class. Working with kids!
Rurrana, wood workshop exhibition.
learning on the project hall
Organic farm class
English class with Claire and Jessie, UK teachers (international), with CELT certificate and new ways of sharing knowledge.
Kids helping to keep the commune beautifull
Entrance to the museum
Folkloric dance – Invitation: Cultural rescue group “Guacamayos”
Taita Koro, Shaman and Elder from the Amazon. Blessing the commune
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