Share & Learn – Inmertion Helping experience

Be a Part of Something Bigger … This unique program is not just about helping while you are here, it is about creating a contribution for the long term . The Vivientes “Share + Learn” System: “Share + Learn” allows each intern to contribute their own unique skills and perspective. Because everyone is working […]
A perfect Day on Vivientes

“What is the Viviente’s Experience?” … first, wake up… “ohh! what a wonderfull view!” Here is one of our “perfect days” at the station. We want to share a bit of our happiness and an example of a typical day. —- Journal entry from a travel day to the community of San Vicente. Teaching volunteers: […]
Adventure with us!

Internship & Training Program
Enjoy the coast of Ecuador while learning new skills and helping poor local communities, an unforgettable
experience to connect to nature and the people.
Living Station – Dos Mangas

This station is where the staff and volunteers prepare and train for the project. We teach the basics on how to interact and work with the community. We also dictate interactive workshops for a “Living” lifestyle, that includes fitness, nutrition, promote an economy for the common good, and creation.